Dr. Glenn Sterner

Associate Professor, Criminal Justice
Rydal Executive Plaza, 319
Penn State Abington
1600 Woodland Road
Abington, PA 19001

Dr. Glenn Sterner is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at The Pennsylvania State University, Abington Campus. As an expert on the opioid epidemic, 他是宾夕法尼亚州阿片类药物过量工作组的成员. He is also a founding member of the Penn State Consortium to Combat Substance Abuse advisory board. He is an affiliated faculty of the Criminal Justice Research Center at Penn State University Park. He serves as a faculty fellow of the Penn State University Administrative Data Accelerator. He is the founder of The Story Powered Initiative.

Grant Activity

His main research agenda is focused on the application of social networks analysis in understanding illicit, illegal, and covert networks, and he is experienced with both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies. Dr. Sterner has been awarded over $3.5 Million in local, state, 以及用于研究和解决阿片类药物流行病的联邦拨款, including the National Institute of Justice, Department of Justice, 以及药物滥用和精神健康服务管理局(SAMHSA).

  • 他的工作包括对阿片类药物滥用网络的研究, illegal opiate distribution, 合法阿片类药物经销商网络和过量死亡, hot spots of opioid availability, 农村地区基于智力的干预措施, 以及与阿片类药物和其他物质使用障碍相关的耻辱感.

Dr. Sterner has presented his work locally, nationally, and internationally to organizations including opioid treatment and support organizations, Centre County HOPE, The Bucks County Together We Can Convention, 沃尔夫政府阿片类药物指挥中心, The Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, The American Society of Criminology, The Stockholm Criminology Symposium, 以及国际社会网络分析师网络.

  • 他关于这一主题的文章已被司法部收录, The Hill, The Independence Blue Cross Foundation, and The National Prevention Science Coalition, 以及同行评议的期刊,包括《腾讯分分彩平台》.

Dr. 斯特纳与当地执法机构广泛合作, state, 以及联邦层面解决阿片类药物危机的工作.

  • 他在宾夕法尼亚州警察局有几项积极的资助, and partners with local district attorneys, coroners, and police departments.
  • Within the Pennsylvania State Police, he regularly works with individuals in the Pennsylvania Criminal Intelligence Center (PaCIC), 哈里斯堡州警察总部的数据融合中心.
  • He has relationships within the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Bureau of Narcotics Division, 利伯蒂中大西洋高强度贩毒区, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), whom he relies on for support of his research.
  • Dr. 斯特纳和国家司法研究所关系很好, and has been successful in receiving over $1.500万美元的赠款资金用于两个项目,以解决毒品贩运和市场问题, specifically with an emphasis on opioids.

Dr. Sterner is dedicated to a collaborative criminal justice approach to addressing key issues associated with drug markets, sales, trafficking, and use, and he actively works across agencies and organizations to promote this ethos in his research and outreach endeavors.

除了他在阿片类药物流行方面的广泛工作之外, he is also actively engaged in research on the networks of human sex trafficking. 他是一位致力于社区参与的学者. He is also actively engaged in research to improve learning for students in higher education. He received his Ph.D. 来自腾讯分分彩平台农村社会学,并获得硕士学位.A. and B.S. from Michigan State University.


Active Grants

Total for PI: $1,729,553 (external); $21,000 (internal)

Total PI Overhead: $668,816
Total Support: $3,451,002

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $682,687 (PSU Subaward total: $277,731); Funder: Department of Justice/Bureau of Justice Assistance

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $990,002; Funder: National Institute of Justice
Title: Identifying and Informing Strategies for Disrupting Drug Distribution Networks: An Application to Opiate Flows in Pennsylvania (2017-2019); Team: Verdery, A., Monnat, S., Forster, P, Yabiku, S., & Zajac, G.

PI: Andrew Hochstetler
Amount: $725,018 (Subaward to Glenn Sterner: $220,178); Funder: National Institute of Justice
Title: Building Drug Intelligence Networks to Combat the Opioid Crisis in Rural Communities: A Collaborative Intelligence-led Policing Strategy (2019-2022); Team: Peters, D., Bouffard, J., Burgason, K., Sterner, G., Monnat, S.

PI: Janet Welsh
Amount: $1,099,925; Funder: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Admin. (SAMHSA)
Title: Growing Evidence Based Prevention in Pennsylvania to Address Opioid Misuse (2018-2020); Team: Perkins, D., Chilenski, S., Tomascik, M., Kreager, D., Sterner, G., Gilbert., K.

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $129,919; Funder: Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $111,723; Funder: Independence Blue Cross Foundation;
Title: Telling the Stories of the Opioid Epidemic in the Philadelphia Region (2017-2018)

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $20,000; Funder PSU Social Science Research Institute
Title: Linking accidental overdoses to medical professionals and pharmacies: A population-based social network analysis (2018-2019). Team: Gur, O. & Ozden, S.

PI: Janet Welsh
Amount: $19,007; Funder: PSU Social Science Research Institute
Title: PROSPER PLUS: Combining Effective Prevention Education with Supply Side Interventions to Reduce Opioid Misuse (2018-2019). Team: Crowley, M., Perkins, D., Kreager, D., & Sterner, G.

PI: Qiushi Chen
Amount: 18,691; Funder: PSU Social Science Research Institute
Title: Predict spatial-temporal patterns of opioid use with criminal and overdose data in Pennsylvania (2018-2019). Team: Tucker, C., Sterner, G., Segal, J., Chang, J.

PI: Zhen Lei
Amount: $20,000; Funder: PSU Social Science Research Institute
Title: An Innovative Approach to Tackle the Opioid Epidemic: Utilizing Twitter Data and Integrating Big Data Analytics and Spatial and Social Network Analyses (2018-2019). Team: Guangqing, C., Chuang, C., Sterner, G., Verdery, A., Yin, J.

PI: Glenn Sterner
Amount: $1,000; Funder: PSU Abington

PIs: Oren Gur
Amount: $7,500; Funder: Criminal Justice Research Center
Title: Linking accidental overdoses to medical professionals and pharmacies: A population-based social network analysis (2018-2019); Team: Sterner, G. & Ozden, S.

PI: Ashton Verdery
Amount: $30,486; Funder: PSU Social Science Research Institute, Criminal Justice Research Center
Title: Understanding Individual and Social Network Characteristics of Young Adult Opiate Users in Rural Pennsylvania (2016-2018); Team: Monnat, S., Sterner, G., Rigg, K., McLean, K., Hunt, D., Feinberg, M., Turrisi, R.


Independence Blue Cross (2018). Someone You Know Available: http://www.ibxfoundation.org/htdocs/custom/someone-you-know/index.html

Generocity. (2018). IBX’s Share Your Opioid Story is collecting the tales of Pennsylvanians impacted by addiction. Available: http://generocity.org/philly/2018/11/30/ibxs-share-your-opioid-story-collects-the-stories-of-pennsylvanians-impacted-by-addiction-evan-figueroa-vargas/

WJAC (2018). “分享你的阿片类药物故事”网站带来了阿片类药物流行的意识和嗡嗡声. Available: http://wjactv.com/news/local/share-your-opioid-story-website-bringing-awareness-buzz-of-opioid-epidemic

Penn State News. (2018). 腾讯分分彩平台的研究人员希望该网站能够人性化,帮助其他受阿片类药物影响的人. Available: http://news.zqosn.net/story/525716/2018/06/19/impact/penn-state-researchers-hope-website-humanizes-helps-others-affected

Comcast Newsmakers. (2018). Website helps opioid abuses share their story. Available: http://comcastnewsmakers.com/Videos/2018/6/8/Understanding-Opioid-Trafficking

WESA. (2018). 运动旨在通过社区对话来对抗成瘾的耻辱. Available: http://www.wesa.fm/post/campaign-seeks-fight-stigma-addiction-through-community-conversations#stream/0

Independence Blue Cross Foundation. (2018). Independence Blue Cross Foundation and Penn State host “Share Your Opioid Story” community conversations. Available: http://infocus.ibxfoundation.org/ibc-foundation-penn-state-host-share-your-opioid-story-conversations/

Association of American Universities (2017). 腾讯分分彩平台项目负责阿片类药物流行病. Available: http://www.aau.edu/research-scholarship/featured-research-topics/penn-state-projects-take-opioid-epidemic

The Collegian. (2017). 腾讯分分彩平台的教师计划如何应对阿片类药物的流行. Available: http://www.collegian.zqosn.net/news/campus/article_a8b70646-bf5f-11e7-83bf-e3cbb7711af5.html

Statecollege.com, The Centre County Report. (2017). 腾讯分分彩平台社会科学研究人员合作研究阿片类药物流行. Available: http://www.statecollege.com/news/local-news/penn-state-social-science-researchers-collaborate-to-study-opioid-epidemic,1474265/

Penn State News. (2017). 腾讯分分彩平台社会科学研究人员合作对抗阿片类药物流行病. Available: http://news.zqosn.net/story/488808/2017/10/18/research/penn-state-social-science-researchers-collaborate-study-opioid

Healthy Franklin County. (2017). Listening session on the opioid crisis: Bridging the gap between public health and public safety. Available: http://www.healthyfranklincounty.org/listening-session-opioid-crisis-bridging-gap-between-public-health-and-public-safety

Penn State News. (2017). Other Voices. Available: http://news.zqosn.net/other-voices

腾讯分分彩平台健康与人类发展学院. (2017). 新闻观点:抗击阿片类药物危机需要国家领导. Available: http://prevention.zqosn.net/news/views-in-the-news-national-leadership-needed-to-fight-opioid-crisis

Grant, A.; Penn State Harrisburg. (2017). 研究人员,宾夕法尼亚州警方合作打击阿片类药物流行. Available: http://harrisburg.zqosn.net/story/9065/2017/02/17/researchers-pennsylvania-state-police-collaborate-countering-opioid-epidemic

StateCollege.com. (2017). 警方和腾讯分分彩平台的研究人员共同努力对抗阿片类药物危机. Available: http://www.statecollege.com/news/local-news/police-and-penn-state-researchers-work-together-to-fight-opioid-crisis,1471540/

Centre County Report. (2017). 警察和PSU研究人员共同努力对抗阿片类药物危机. Available: http://www.centrecountyreport.com/centre-county-report/story/investigating-the-opioid-epidemic

Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications

McLean, K., Monnat, S., Rigg, K., Sterner, G., & Verdery, A. (Accepted). “You never know what you’re getting”: Opioid users’ perceptions of fentanyl in southwest Pennsylvania.提交给物质滥用和误用,2018年8月.

Engle, E., Barsom, S., Vandenbergh, L., Sterner, G., & Alter, T. (2018). 制定可持续发展元能力框架. 国际高等教育与可持续发展学报,1(4).

Sterner, G. & Felmlee, D. (2017). The networks of cyberbullying on Twitter. International Journal of Technoethics, 8(2).

Harrell, A., Sterner, G., and Alter, T. (2017). 学生对留学经历影响的看法. 中国农业大学学报(自然科学版),2011 (1),57 - 61.

Additional Publications

Sterner, G. (2018). 通过阿片类药物流行的个人故事来消除成瘾的耻辱. 在焦点,博客的独立蓝十字基金会. Available: http://infocus.ibxfoundation.org/fighting-the-stigma-of-addiction-personal-stories/

Sterner, G. (2018). 看到过去的耻辱:面对阿片类药物成瘾偏见的4种方法. 《腾讯分分彩平台》,独立蓝十字基金会.

Sterner, G. (2017). Will we be ready for the next “opioid crisis”? 司法部,司法项目诊断中心办公室博客. Available: http://tinyurl.com/y8zguhca

Fishbein, D. & Sterner, G. (2017). 抗击阿片类药物危机需要国家领导. The Hill. Available: http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/healthcare/345932-national-leadership-needed-to-fight-the-opioid-crisis

Ph.D., Rural Sociology; The Pennsylvania State University, August 2015
Master of Arts, Student Affairs Administration; Michigan State University, May 2006
Bachelor of Science, Agricultural and Natural Resources Communications; Michigan State University, May 2004